Do you guys ever pretend that there is always somebody watching you? Someone you might just want to impress. I do this about 90% of my life. My time is everybody’s time. This might sound a little conceded, but hey, I have to live with myself my whole life. Sometimes I play music with my windows down in a public parking lot, even though I was listening to a sci-fi podcast on the drive. I’m not blaring the music, but I am thinking “hey maybe someone will dig my music and hangout with me.” I’ll sometimes try to yawn and stretch in a sexy manner; people might disagree what I propose as sexy. I don’t know, it’s just something I’ve done for a long time. Since I was a kid, I’d play on our outside basketball court and pretend there was a full stadium of people rooting me on.
Why are people always in such a big fuckin rush? As you age, are you enlightened with some kind of knowledge that beckons haste? Like the world is going to literally shit on you some kind shit that permanently halts your mobility or you heart will stop beating unless you pump it with adrenaline like that movie Crank. I just don’t get it.
Do you think people who watch too many movies or read too much lose touch of reality? I mean love is kind of a perfect setup for those mediums. You find a gal, have a great time, go home with her, have great sex or talk for hours, and then either see her or don’t see here again. And if you don’t see her again, you don’t stress out cause the movie only has 30 minutes left.
Let’s talk about ice breakers. I’m not good at them. I usually just bring up the big three: movies, music, and books. Where general questions about a topic are boring and specific ones are considered snobby. Another approach, I’ve used, is to mention something on your mind. This tends not to fend well with strangers, definitely if it’s a bit right field (or is it left). They either think you’re interesting, until you continue talking about it, or strange (not as strange as the kid in dreads playing with the neon hula-hoop, but strange enough to ignore). So what do you talk about? Yourself, politics, conspiracies, favorite babysitters, that restaurant you want to open. I don’t know.
This post really shows how much I love writing about myself. Actually the whole blog thing does.
Vid of the day: