Friday, February 22, 2013

Film and Expectations

I don't understand how people interested in art, particularly paintings, can just write off movies as a trivial venture.  Yeah right. A film is, in every way on the same level, and can actually be thought of as a series of paintings, or picturesque slideshow.  Each scene is scrutinously laid out to the finest detail, from lighting to outfits to colors.  If anything, crafting a good scene in cinema is much more difficult than manifesting a still. It's a collaboration of everybody working together at the same tempo - a dance where everything must be in place and synchronized   And this idea of collaboration takes me to another point, film is a group effort. It's a community while painting is usually a solo act.  Many of the early playwrights used the stage to get across a message.  To visually and audibly reverberate an idea that makes sense to the common people.  Cinema is no different, it's a language that expresses an idea in a way that makes sense.  If anything, painting should be ridiculed for being a very selfish act. In most cases, the painter is painting for himself, portraying inner emotions or his own view of the world. Now this being said, I really like painting and stills, but I'm sick of people separating it as some superior form of art.  Get over yourself.

I got to stop hyping shit up and come back down to earth.  Every time - be it a job, a relationship, a gift - I morph its reality into a fantasy.  In my mind, every mystery plays out like a Sherlock Holmes story or Hitchcock masterpiece, full of suspense, excitement, and glory.  Every present becomes a pony, every conversation an epiphany.  Then the truth steps up and bitch slaps me in a the face and I realize there are no naked people in this porn and I'm about to get penetrated by a horse.  Each event, one after the next, is like another merry-go-round breaking. But whatever, I'll just keep chugging along with my head up high, shoe-laces tied, and walk to another park wondering if searching for the best is any different than not searching at all.

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