I have to work on Turkey day. Good thing I already celebrated. Earlier in the month of october, I really craved some Turkey. And instead of staring at the object I loathed (i can be creepy), I took my two hands and made something happen. That's right, I smoked that bad boy for 8 hours and had myself, and a few friends, a good ol' Thanksgiving dinner equipped with cranberry sauce, tators, chicken salad, and stuffed mushrooms! Yummy Yummy
Ok big news, here it goes. Got a new car. I know, finally. It's a 2006 VW Jetta and things work in it. For all you who don't know, I've had the same old car since I was 15 years old. A 1993 Mazda protege with god know hows many miles (cause the odometer broke) and a lot of non-working buttons.
In memory of my car, AKA mobmobile, here's some times we shared that I will never forget:
- Setting my grandma's throw pillow on fire which in turn set my backseat on fire
- Rolling around downtown with hubcap spinners while jamming the new kylie minogue single
- Battle of the ants
- Sex Ghosts fogging up my window
- Homer going gangster
- Dashboard Jesus turning albino
- Always getting the attention of the ladies by the screeching sounds it made.
Question: Did you ever own a pair of Moon Shoes or Heelys?
I had heelies with with ABEC-7 wheels. Booyah!
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