Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weekend at Bernies

Let's talk bathtubs.  You can fill them with almost anything: nachos, igloo people, jambalaya.  I prefer mayo. Seriously, have you rested in a bathtub full of mayo; it's like sleeping on a cloud.

Yesterday was unproductive.  Drank two martinis, one dry and one dirty, and passed out.  Oh yeah, I did BBQ a little and kill some chumps on Halo.

Tonight is nerd night.  A quick definition of nerd night: Really cool dudes (in an optional team leotard) getting together and programing/brainstorming random shit.  By the end of the night, we'll probably have some kind of Asteroid mod where you're a giant cock (instead of spaceship) fighting off Tom Cruise and Oprah's army simultaneously until you ultimately fight the boss which is a Tom/Oprah hydra with high diplomacy.  But the real objective of the game is the find your soul mate by fermenting as many eggs (asteroids) as possible and seeing if they explode or not.

Well, that's life for me today.  Bye Bye now.


  1. a bathtub of mayo? really, bob?

  2. i pray to find you in a bathtub full of mayo

  3. AND, BOB, do this http://thechundley.blogspot.com/

    blowsomethingup blog is no more
